
The Vermillion Apocalypse, otherwise known as the "Crimson Calamity" and "demon lord of a thousand weapons" is the accursed and transformed Testa-Rossa, the Crimson Knight. It is the final boss to the final chapter of Trails of Cold Steel II.


Originally referred as the Vermillion Testa-Rossa from ancient Erebonian folklore, the Vermillion Apocalypse is the result of the Divine Knight cursed from Zoro-Agruga's blood. Eventually it was sealed until awakened again by Orthros Reise Arnor the False Emperor who dominated the Empire and crushing all its resistance. It was eventually resealed by Emperor Dreichels and the Lance Maiden until present time.


S1204. The Crimson Calamity was reawakened by Duke Cayenne after he pushed Cedric Reise Arnor into the core of the dormant Testa-Rossa, once again transforming it into the Vermillion Apocalpyse. The spirit veins emerging from it siphon the mana of the people from Heimdallr and those in its vicinity.

The Vermillion Apocalypse was eventually defeated by the combined efforts of Vita Clotilde, Class VII and the two Divine Knights. Despite losing a great deal of mana, Prince Cedric is saved at the cost of Crow's life.


Vermillion Apocalypse
(エンド・オブ・ヴァーミリオン, Endo obu Vuamirion)
Level 140
HP 250000 (Normal)
STR 3931
DEF 3603
ATS 3606
ADF 3276
SPD 140
Thousand Weapons
Revived by the power of the Vermillion Knight and blood of the Armor family. Wields a thousand weapons
Items Dropped
Sepith Dropped
Earth Water Fire Wind Time Space Mirage Frag
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unbalance Efficacy
Slash War-slash icon Thrust War-thrust icon Pierce War-pierce icon Strike War-strike icon
★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆
Stance 1: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 2: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 3: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 4: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Elemental Efficacy Status Efficacy
Earth 100
Tocs - poison status icon 0 Tocs - seal status icon 0 Tocs - mute status icon 0 Tocs - blind status icon 0 Tocs - sleep status icon 0
Tocs - burn status icon 0 Tocs - freeze status icon 0 Tocs - petrify status icon 0 Tocs - faint status icon 0 Tocs - confuse status icon 0
Tocs - deathblow status icon 0 Tocs - nightmare status icon 0 Tocs - delay status icon 10 Tocs - vanish status icon 0 Tocs - stat-down status icon 20
Water 100
Fire 100
Wind 100
Time 100
Space 100
Mirage 100

Vermillion Apocalypse
(エンド・オブ・ヴァーミリオン, Endo obu Vuamirion)
Level 140
HP 298771 (Normal)
460933 (Nightmare)
STR 3931
DEF 3603
ATS 3606
ADF 3276
SPD 140
Thousand Weapons
Revived by the power of the Vermillion Knight and blood of the Armor family. Wields a thousand weapons
Items Dropped
Sepith Dropped
Earth Water Fire Wind Time Space Mirage Frag
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unbalance Efficacy
Slash War-slash icon Thrust War-thrust icon Pierce War-pierce icon Strike War-strike icon
★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆
Stance 1: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 2: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 3: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 4: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Elemental Efficacy Status Efficacy
Earth 100
Tocs - poison status icon 0 Tocs - seal status icon 0 Tocs - mute status icon 0 Tocs - blind status icon 0 Tocs - sleep status icon 0
Tocs - burn status icon 0 Tocs - freeze status icon 0 Tocs - petrify status icon 0 Tocs - faint status icon 0 Tocs - confuse status icon 0
Tocs - deathblow status icon 0 Tocs - nightmare status icon 0 Tocs - delay status icon 10 Tocs - vanish status icon 0 Tocs - stat-down status icon 20
Water 100
Fire 100
Wind 100
Time 100
Space 100
Mirage 100

Vermillion Apocalypse
(エンド・オブ・ヴァーミリオン, Endo obu Vuamirion)
Level 140
HP 430000 (Normal)
503100 (Nightmare)
STR 3931
DEF 3603
ATS 3606
ADF 3276
SPD 140
Thousand Weapons
Revived by the power of the Vermillion Knight and blood of the Armor family. Wields a thousand weapons
Items Dropped
Sepith Dropped
Earth Water Fire Wind Time Space Mirage Frag
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unbalance Efficacy
Slash War-slash icon Thrust War-thrust icon Pierce War-pierce icon Strike War-strike icon
-- -- -- --
Stance 1: Idle Body: ★☆☆☆ Head: ★★☆☆ Arms: ★★★★
Stance 2: Kneel Attack Body: ★★★☆ Head: ★★☆☆ Arms: ★☆☆☆
Stance 3: Bend Attack Body: ★★☆☆ Head: ★★★★ Arms: ★☆☆☆
Stance 4: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Elemental Efficacy Status Efficacy
Earth 100
Tocs - poison status icon 0 Tocs - seal status icon 0 Tocs - mute status icon 0 Tocs - blind status icon 0 Tocs - sleep status icon 0
Tocs - burn status icon 0 Tocs - freeze status icon 0 Tocs - petrify status icon 0 Tocs - faint status icon 0 Tocs - confuse status icon 0
Tocs - deathblow status icon 0 Tocs - nightmare status icon 0 Tocs - delay status icon 0 Tocs - vanish status icon 0 Tocs - stat-down status icon 100
Water 100
Fire 100
Wind 100
Time 100
Space 100
Mirage 100

Vermillion Weapon
(ヴァームメイズ, Vaamumeizu)
Level 130
HP 39733 (Normal)
43044 (Nightmare)
One of the Vermillion Apocalypse's many weapons. Supports it using support and attack arts
Items Dropped
Sepith Dropped
Earth Water Fire Wind Time Space Mirage Frag
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unbalance Efficacy
Slash War-slash icon Thrust War-thrust icon Pierce War-pierce icon Strike War-strike icon
★★☆☆ ★★☆☆ ★★☆☆ ★★☆☆
Stance 1: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 2: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 3: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Stance 4: Body: -- Head: -- Arms: --
Elemental Efficacy Status Efficacy
Earth 100
Tocs - poison status icon 20 Tocs - seal status icon 20 Tocs - mute status icon 20 Tocs - blind status icon 20 Tocs - sleep status icon 20
Tocs - burn status icon 20 Tocs - freeze status icon 20 Tocs - petrify status icon 20 Tocs - faint status icon 20 Tocs - confuse status icon 20
Tocs - deathblow status icon 20 Tocs - nightmare status icon 20 Tocs - delay status icon 20 Tocs - vanish status icon 20 Tocs - stat-down status icon 20
Water 100
Fire 100
Wind 100
Time 100
Space 100
Mirage 100


  • Demonic Sword - Propator (魔剣プロパトール): One the Vermillion's thousand weapons. It swings its gigantic one-handed sword, damaging those in range.
  • Demonic Spear - Ennoea (魔槍エンノイア): One the Vermillion's thousand weapons. Thrusts its lance damaging those in range. Used during Phase 3.
  • Demonic Bow - Barbatos (魔弓バルバトス): One the Vermillion's thousand weapons. Takes a step back to fire a charged energy arrow, delivering a damaging vacuum within shooting range. Used during Phase 3.
  • Mighty Reflect (マイティリフレクト): Casts a layered shield around itself with Craft and Arts Reflect properties. Used during Phase 1.
  • Disabling Disorder (カオスディソーダー): Used during Phase 1.
  • HP Absorb (H·アブソーブ): Syphons HP from party members. Used during Phase 1.
  • EP Absorb (E·アブソーブ): Syphons EP from party members. Used during Phase 1.
  • CP Absorb (C·アブソーブ): Syphons CP from party members. Used during Phase 1.
  • Thousand Arms (サウザンドアームズ): Sacrifices one turn to charge until the following turn. Unleashes a devastating meteor shower that deals heavy damage. Used during Phase 1.
    • Oblivion Arms (オブリビオンアームズ): An enhanced version from above. Summoning thorns beneath the grounds to imprison those in range. Then jumps and unleashes a devastating meteor shower. Used during Phase 2.
  • Weapon Summon (ヴァームメイズ召喚): Summons Vermilion Weapons for support.
  • Evil Strike (エヴィルストライク): Throws a hammering fist that damages all those from its impact, cancelling all castings. Used during Phase 2.
  • Startling Blow (バックワード): Used during Phase 2.
  • Vermillion End (終焉の紅): Used during Phase 2.


  • During its third phases, it uses the same type of weapons the Stahlritter use.

