Tita (Under Construction)

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Crafts & S-Crafts[]

Zero no Kiseki (+EVO)[]

Ao no Kiseki (+EVO)[]

Trails of Cold Steel II[]

Name Description CP Cost Level
True Dragon Claws Attack (Set), Area (L) [Suction] (Class CC)
Draws in foes, then slashes. Attacks twice.
30 Default
True Falling Moon Attack (Set), Line (M), Faint (50%) (Class S+) Unbalance +20%.
Throws sword like a boomerang.
40 Default
Moonlight Butterflies Support (Self), Stealth/SPD+50% (2 Turns)
Disappears from sight in a group of silver butterflies.
50 Default
S-Craft Description Level
True Paraselene Dance Attack )All) (Class SSSS)
Binds foes with claws and lunar light.


Zero no Kiseki (+EVO)[]

Name Effect Price Obtained Location

Ao no Kiseki (+EVO)[]

Name Effect Price Obtained Location

Trails of Cold Steel II[]

Name Effect Price Obtained Location