Mueller Vander[]
Mueller Vander has been Olivier's protector since childhood. They are described by Class VII as "joined at the hip". His discipline and no-nonsense character contrasts with Olivier's flamboyant antics. Mueller, along with Schera, is one of the few people able to rein in Olivier's behavior. While Mueller has immense physical and militaristic talent, Olivert is a political genius. Mueller has difficulty keeping up with Olivier's political calculations, not at all because Mueller does not understand, but because Olivier's thinking is on its own level.
Their relationship is considered threatening to Osborne and his Ironbloods. Thus, he has made sure to keep Mueller separate from Olivier during CS III by assigning Mueller military duties across the country, and away from Olivier's side. Mueller's absence made Olivier vulnerable, which led to the tragedy during the climax of CS III.
Klaudia von Auslese[]
Klaudia von Auslese is the closest character to a foil that Olivier has. This is because these two share core similarities. They are royalty in their respective countries. They don aliases in order to blend in with their commoners. They have powerful guardians (Julia Schwarz and Mueller Vander) who themselves bond strongly. They've lost parent figures and are adopted by another parent or surrogate parent. They grew up in the shadow of the same war (the 100 Days War), and their countries live in the aftermath of that war. Additionally, due to their involvement in the Sky trilogy, their friend circle is almost identical. The two sovereigns represent either the youth or the young blood of their respective nations. This made their official meeting of minds during SC (as Prince Olivert and Princess Klaudia) very fitting.
Bleublanc threatens Kloe early on in SC in the Jenis Old Schoolhouse basement. Olivier steps in and acts as Kloe's protector.
Estelle and Joshua Bright[]
While originally searching for their father, Olivier encounters Estelle and Joshua during his travels in Liberl. His flirtatious and eccentric antics were too much for Estelle, particularly because he targeted Joshua. However, his sharpshooting skill was undeniable, and he joined Estelle and Joshua (and Schera) in storming the Capua's bandit hideout.
He is present with Estelle and Josh and Zane Vathek when the four compete in Grancel's martial arts tournament. He however misses out on meeting Queen Alicia because Mueller Vander drags him into the Erebonian embassy for "babysitting".
He introduces himself as Prince Olivert of Erebonia during the Orbal Shutdown in SC when Erebonian forces are about to assault Liberl. While Generals Morgan and Zechs Vander bicker, Prince Olivert with Mueller confront Princess Klaudia with Estelle and Joshua. Olivier's true identity is revealed.
Following the tragedy at the end of CS III, Estelle and Joshua (and Schera) what happened to Olivier Lenheim.
Scherazard Harvey[]
Scherazard Harvey is Olivier's best friend, drinking pal, party pal, and love interest. Despite his fortitude (which he prides himself in), Schera is known to drink him under the table until Olivier blacks out. She, among with Estelle and Joshua, are the first bracers Olivier meets during his travels in Liberl. Their relationship grows over the course of the Sky games, and all the way until CS IV.
Rean Schwarzer[]
Olivier Lenheim's and Rean's relationship grows over the course of the Erebonian arc. Therefore, events pertaining to these games will be discussed in this section. Olivier Lenheim was the impetus to Class VII. Therefore, he had a primary interest in seeing its success.
He admires Rean immensely because Rean (and Elise) has done much for the Arnor family. Elise Schwarzer and Princess Alfin are best friends in St. Astraia's Academy. That means Alfin has taken an interest in Rean himself. Rean has not only rescued Alfin from Noble Alliance Captivity, but Rean (and Class VII) also saved Prince Cedric during the climax of the Infernal Palace in CS II.
Rean is privy to very private information about Prince Olivier's origins divulged by Emperor Eugent III during CS III. Class VII had the opportunity to visit Olivier's birth town.
They share a similar vision for the future of Erebonia. They also share the same dread towards Giliath Osborne.
Viscount Victor S. Arseid[]
Victor Arseid's interest in the success of Class VII is due that his daughter is a member. Victor Arseid played a role in the construction of Prince Olivert's flagship, The Courageous (also the Crimson Wings). He captained the helm prior to the outbreak of the Erebonian Civil War. Following the conclusion of the Civil War, he resumed command until the tragedy during the climax of CS III.
Emperor Eugent Reise Arnor III[]
Emperor Eugent III is Olivier's biological father.
Empress Priscilla Arnor[]
Empress Priscilla is Olivier's adopted mother.
Prince Cedric Reise Arnor[]
Prince Cedric is the legitimate heir to the Arnor throne. He is Olivert's younger half brother.
Their relationship starts off quite strong with much affection. Cedric admires his brother's ability, charisma, popularity, and particularly his freedom and initiative to travel the world and have experiences. Cedric himself never had the freedom that Olivier had for a few reasons: primarily, he was much younger and was being raised in the Valflame Palace. Secondarily, Cedric was much more sickly growing up, so that even when he became of age to venture out, he was much more fatigued doing so and did not venture out far. He was under much more protection and observation being the heir to the Arnor throne. That sets the groundwork for an inferiority complex. Despite being the heir to the Arnor throne and the legitimate son of Eugent IV and Priscilla, he is less able, less popular, and less physically capable than his older (and half) brother (who is not the heir to the throne). Now, in his youth, Cedric did not hold these qualities against either Olivier or himself. However, towards the climax of Cold Steel II, when Cedric is kidnapped by the Noble Alliance and held in captivity. He is powerless to either escape or to affect any change in his situation. In other words, he is frustrated that he, even as a prince, has no power over his own well-being or to do anything of his volition. This situation is similar to Princess Alfin in Cold Steel II. However, she is eventually surrounded by friends and colleagues who utilize her in any way she can be utilized. He instead is a royal prisoner, and is utilized as a sacrifice for an Awakening to the Crimson Knight.
Reeling from the events of CS II, Prince Cedric's complex takes a hold of him by the start of CS III. He quells any personal inferiority by projecting superiority, even to the detriment of close family relations. For example, he condescends constantly towards Kurt Vander, and cajoles him as if he were no better than an Arnor servant. This is in complete contrast to how Olivier treats Mueller, and how the rest of the Arnors treat the Vanders. For the Vanders are responsible for the safety of all the Arnors, and it would behoove them to treat the Vanders will deference. Such was not Cedric's approach to Kurt.
Princess Alfin Reise Arnor[]
Princess Alfin is Olivier's younger sister. The two bond very strongly, perhaps the best in the entire Arnor family. Perhaps she's his favorite. This goes so far as to even discuss their mutual admiration for Rean Schwarzer.
Giliath Osborne[]
Giliath Osborne is the only character who inspires real dread in Prince Olivert. Osborne's political genius outclasses even Olivier's. Their rivalry officially began Trails the Third, which followed the events of SC's orbal shutdown. When political tensions between Liberl and Erebonia were diffused, Chancellor Osborne visited Liberl as part of a goodwill tour. In the Erebonian Embassy, the two confronted each other on their differing visions for Erebonia's future. This was the impetus for Prince Olivert's philosophy of "the third way", which contrasted with the rigid commoner v. noble class system. From this meeting, Oliviert would later devise Class VII.
Rufus Albarea[]
Rufus is a primary rival, more so than an enemy, to Prince Olivert. Both hold a seat on the board of Thors Academy's Class VII; however, their visions for the future of Eerebonia diverge. Even before Rufus's allegiance is officially known to Olivert (and the rest of the cast in CS II), Olivert was never comfortable around Rufus.
Their relationship develops over the course of the Cold Steel and Reverie storylines. They are night and day foils in regards to their relations with their parents and family. Both are illegitimate sons of their fathers with a commoner woman. Whereas Olivier has no complex that stemmed from this status because his father (and the rest of the Arnors) loved him unconditionally, and in fact his illegitimate status had granted him unprecedented freedom to explore the continent, Rufus in contrast developed an inferiority complex because he thought his father resented him, and his illegitimate status made Rufus work harder towards the ethereal goal of gaining legitimacy in his father's eyes. Now, Rufus' illegitimate status made him feel like an outsider amongst his noble peers. Despite the fact that other nobles had no idea of his biological parentage, Rufus distanced himself from other nobles and kept to himself. He judged them harshly, thought them superficial, and found them wanting. Rufus locks up this secret and divulges it only to Jusis very late into the series, Cold Steel III. Olivier in contrast embraced his illegitimate status fairly early on, which meant that that is common knowledge amongst the Erebonian elite. And even if others do judge him and think lesser of him for that, he is so unapologetically himself that anyone's negative judgement of him is water off a duck's back. Because he is not an heir apparent to the Arnor throne, he is not beholden to follow expectations of regal conduct. For that, he can be much more true to himself, which coincidentally is being quite a regal leader figure. In contrast, Rufus is saddled with immense expectations from both his father and from other nobles and from himself to be the most brilliant and accomplished nobleman he can be. Additionally, any help from others is perceived by him as a handicap. And receiving a handicap he feels cheats him out of his own sole brilliance; said another way, he refuses help from anyone, even close allies. Olivier had developed numerous friendships over the whole continent over years of meeting new people, and those allies are so attracted to his personality and vision that they freely help Olivier achieve his political goals. And Olivier graciously accepts such help.
During the climax of the Reverie storyline when Rufus is scheduled to be executed for his war crimes, Olivier grants him a personal pardon from capital punishment in the form of allowing Rufus to run away from Erebonia into the bigger world while Olivier turns a blind eye. This was one of the most intriguing conversations between the two.
Best Frienemy[]
Bleublanc and Olivier Lenheim declared their "rivalry of love" as early as Bleublanc's introduction in Sky SC. When Estelle, Joshua, Kloe, and Olivier were tasked with discovering the anomaly under the Jenis Royal Academy, they encountered Bleublanc. Bleublanc loves stealing all things beautiful for himself, including during this case Kloe Rinz. Bleublanc's threatening of Kloe made Olivier step in as Kloe's protector. The two's views on love and beauty are antipodal. This made them into rivals.
Their paths have crossed multiple times since Trails in the Sky SC, particularly during the Cold Steel series. Bleublanc was hired by the Noble Faction during CS II. Bleublanc and Oliviert confronted each other again during the Infernal Palace during CS II.
Yet, their relationship is more than 'antipodal enemies'; hence, 'best frienemies'. Their relationship is expanded during CS IV.