Margarita Dresdene (マルガリータ・ドレスデン Marugariita Doresudenn) is a noble student of the prestigious Thors Military Academy introduced in the Trails of Cold Steel trilogy.
While a noble, she has this fantasy of her future to meet, fall in love with a handsome prince, get married and live a happy life. She's obsessively devoted to finding a man to call as her: 'Prince', without realizing she's being a bit too forward on her approach. She loves to cook and eat some: strangely developed meals to help her make a meal to catch her prince.
Character Profile[]
Student File: Year 1, Class II
Club: Cooking Club
Student Info: Daughter of Baron Dresden. Came to Thors to look for a husband and fell for second-year student Vincent Florald.
*Determination: Separated from Vincent, she sat around moping, but Millium made her resolve to take him back herself. CS II
*Love Is Blind: She confessed her undying love to Vincent and mangled to mistake his response as a marriage proposal. CS II
- She appears to be one of them girls who falls in love with handsome guys, but from her appearance, the feeling is not mutual.