
By my arts, become hard as steel!
—Kurt's defense spell quote, Trails in the Sky and Trails in the Sky SC

Kurt Nardin (クルツ・ナルダン Kurutsu Narudan) is one of Liberl Kingdom's bracer in the Trails in the Sky trilogy.


Known as the "Artful Tactician" and for being the second-best bracer in Liberl after Cassius (according to Anelace.) Although he was born in Liberl, his family originally came from the lands beyond Calvard. The special arts that he uses are taught to him by his grandfather and are based upon the study of Far Eastern military treatises.

FC Storyline[]

Kurt was tasked by Cassius to secure the black orbment, which he managed to do. He sent it in a package to Cassius along with a memo. The package later ended up amongst the Sky Bandits' stolen cargo. A unknown person had erased Kurt's memories of the black orbment, but Zane later helped to restore them.

SC Storyline[]

Kurt was in charge of training Estelle and Anelace at the La Locle training ground in the Leman State.

