Tita (Under Construction)

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This page is comprised of Kloe's relationships with other characters in the Kiseki universe. The sections are broken into paragraphs, roughly indicating how early or late into either the primary game featuring the relationship is or how early or late into the current game timeline a piece of information is. Thus, earlier information comes first, and later information comes afterwards.


Estelle Bright[]

Kloe first meets Estelle when she requests Estelle and Josh to escort her back to Mercia Orphanage. Kloe later on due to trouble that Estelle simmered mistakes Estelle for an intruder at Mercia Orphange. Once that trouble is settled, Kloe and Estelle and Josh spend time together at the Port Town Lure in order to find funds to further support the Mercia Orphanage through patronage at Lure. At this point, Kloe joins the party as a fencer and healer. During this time, Kloe and Estelle and Josh discover there is more to what meets the eye with the Mayor of Lure (Dalmore) and his secretary (resident butt monkey Gilbert). During their time in Lure, the Mercia Orphanage is burned to the ground from an act of arson.

Following the conclusion of the mystery in Lure, Kloe invites Estelle and Josh to spend time with her at her school, Jenis Royal Academy. During that time, the two heavily bond. Kloe can drop any pretensions about who she is with Estelle because Estelle has no idea and is too dense to figure out who Kloe is at this point in the game. After asking Estelle and Joshua to participate in their school play, they become best friends. That means confiding secrets with each other in an girls only sleeping party. During that time, Kloe asks about Estelle's feelings towards Joshua, to which Estelle awkwardly fumbles an answer. That suggests strongly to Kloe that there are underlying feelings for each other, but Estelle is too bashful to acknowledge them. Kloe is aware of Estelle's secret feelings for Joshua, but holds back from mentioning them because of Estelle's denseness.

She is later rescued by Estelle during the Queen's Birthday Celebration and helps her take down Alan Richard.

Estelle in conversation refers to Kloe by her alias name, even after learning of her royal identity.

In SC, Kloe is one of the characters who help Estelle retrieve Joshua.

Joshua Bright[]

Kloe secretly harbors feelings for Joshua during their adventures, but reserves expressing them due to her relationship with Estelle. By Trails the Third, Kloe confesses her feelings towards Joshua. Estelle seems to have a clue that this is the case.

Olivier Lenheim[]

Olivier Lenheim is the primary foil to Kloe Rinz for multiple reasons. Their upbringings are similar. Both lost parental figures early on in their lives due to tragedies. Both live under an alias that grants them an escape from the stresses of being public figures in their respective kingdoms. Additionally, the two have powerful guardians who have dedicated their lives and careers to their wellbeing (Julia Schwarz and Mueller Vander). For these reasons, Olivier took a particular interest in Kloe early on.

During FC, Kloe has no idea about Olivier's birth identity, but it is suggested that Olivier knows of Kloe's identity. By SC, Olivier reveals that he is Erebonian royalty who had been traveling throughout Liberl under an alias.

Julia Schwarz[]

Julia Schwarz is the guardian of Klaudia Auslese and the captain of the Liberlian Royal Guard. She is the closest to a surrogate mother Klaudia has. This, along with her position as guardian, and her experiences during the 100 Days War all make her protective of Kloe. Julia Schwarz has trained Kloe extensively in court fencing. She also taught falconry to Kloe. Julia introduced Kloe to Sieg; and Sieg is shown ferrying personal messages between the two over long distances.

Tita Russell[]

Zane Vathek[]

Agate Crosner[]

Kloe and Agate first meet when Clem runs off to confront the Ravens for burning their orphanage. She acts respectful towards him, and becomes later grateful for his help in retrieving the stolen money from Gilbert Stein.

Cassius Bright[]

Kloe knows of Cassius Bright from as early on as FC due to his reputation preceding him. Cassius Bright more during his time as Brigadier General knew Kloe's parents, who were once the royalty in charge of Liberl. Having failed to protect Kloe's parents, in addition to having failed to save his wife, contributed heavily in his decision to retire from the Liberl Army and pursue the Bracer Guild. All of that was when she was a toddler; thus, their meeting of minds happens once she grows into a teenage girl.

Their official relationship as Princess and Chief of Staff begins towards the climax of SC. Cassius Bright had returned to the Liberl Army as a Lieutenant General by the start of FC, and one of his many tasks was to contribute to the protection of the Auslese Family. When during the Orbal Shutdown the Enforcers attack Grancel Castle and hold the Auslese family hostage and demand Cassius's presence for the sake of a big duel, Cassius breaks the showdown by deploying his former proteges, Alan Richard and Lieutenant Colonel Sid.

Cassius Bright then orchestrates the cooldown of tensions between the Erebonian and Liberl forces at the Haken Gate. He advises Princess Klaudia on how to confront the Erebonian crown Prince. Of all people, the crown prince turns out to be no other than Olivier Lenheim. Thus, Olivier is quite disposed to negotiating with Klaudia, because the two know each other so well by this point.

Cassius Bright by the end of Trails the Third and in all subsequent games such as Trails to Azure and Trails of Cold Steel IV acts as a Chief of Staff to Princess Klaudia. The two are seen as nearly inseparable.

Alan Richard[]

Colonel Alan Richard is a powerful guardian of Grancel, and for that he is universally admired by the start of FC. One major reason he is so wildly successful in keeping the peace is that he employs a clandestine elite division of warriors, his Secret Service, who have permission to cut legal corners in order to get a job done or to quell any threat to national security. 'Threat' here includes both perceived external threats (such as espionage, sabotage, and so on) and also internal threats. It is in these 'internal threats' when Richard's blackguards start targeting Kloe.

Kloe is seen eventually as a threat to national security because she is young and a girl.

Towards the climax of FC, Alan Richard and his division are responsible for orchestrating a coup d'etat that replaces her grandmother and her from the Liberl throne with Duke Dunan. Kloe enters hiding with the help of her personal guard and Captain Schwartz.

Alan Richard is imprisoned following the failure of his coup and realizes the guilt of his actions culminating with his coup d'detat. The guilt complex which characterizes him for the rest of his time in the Sky trilogy forms when he realizes that in his blind desperation to protect Liberl and the Auslese family from all perceived threats, he then endangered that family and almost tore up his country in a civil war for succession for the throne. Even the fact that he was brainwashed partially does not alleviate any guilt complex. It is true he was brainwashed to become a powerful pawn for the Ourobouros; however, everything he ordered during FC was of his own volition, and that makes his actions especially inexcusable to him in retrospect. Thus, the rest of his time in the Trilogy is in his journey towards redemption.

His redemption starts during the climax of SC when he is deployed alongside his colleague Lieutenant Colonel Sid to personally protect the Queen and Princess Klaudia from a crack team of Enforcers and Jaegars during a very heated standoff at the Grancel Castle. The two proved to be enough muscle to make even the four-person team of Enforcers think twice, and they decided to disengage. Not only he started his redemption here, but also his whole Intelligence Division of elites: they were all charged by Cassius to drive out the Jaegars who were ransacking Grancel. This moment was meaningful to him and his Division because they were able to actually protect the royalty and the Liberl citizens from an actual threat, which indeed was their purpose from the very beginning. For their heroism and service, Queen Alicia pardons Alan Richard and his whole division for their crimes committed in FC.

He returns to the sidelines after this showdown for the remainder of SC.


Jill Ridonor[]

Lechter Arundel[]

Lechter was officially the student council president during the time Kloe enrolled into Jenis. This was only 'officially' the case because in actuality, Kloe spent half her time as vice president searching, haranguing, and making Lechter do his share of student council work. He was more likely than not to hooky and shuffle work towards the other student council members. His excuse for not constantly working is that he is so brilliant and competent that he can complete assigned work rapidly and can dedicate any time saved towards lounging around. Effectively, he does the bare minimum, and Kloe doesn't appreciate that lack of interest. Managing Lechter by itself is exasperating work, let alone her other duties as both a student and vice president. Her time spent combing Jenis Royal Academy (and beyond) for Lechter leads to interesting adventures for her, for he was always found in obscure and interesting areas.

Among other things, they share a similarly troubled upbringing lacking their parents. His father was a deadbeat from Erebonia (whose background will be developed heavily by the later Cold Steel games), and he was sent to study abroad in Liberl by a powerful patron (who is revealed in subsequent games). She had lost her parents during the 100 Days War, and likewise was semi-orphaned. Given her unique societal position (as princess of a kingdom), and his being a foreign exchange student (from an enemy nation, no less), the two are outsiders. At the very least, they walk to the beat of their own drummer, and for that they bond very tightly very early.

Kloe has expressed infatuation towards Lechter that develops over the course of Trails the Third, and all their subsequent meetings in future games. This is strongly reciprocated. For example, though the two cannot fraternize with the enemy during the Crossbell Trade Conference in Trails to Azure, the two still sneak a conversation together which Lloyd and the SSS overhear. This is an intense conversation with infatuated overtones between the two, to which even Lloyd becomes bashful overhearing.

His personality is modeled after a tramp archetype, and hers is clearly modeled after a regal woman. Thus, their relationship is akin to a 'lady and the tramp' pairing. One positive of the tramp archetype is that he is a rolling stone and anywhere he goes he calls home. That makes him comfortable in any new situation. He does not specifically give a damn about fitting into new situations; he's very fine with sticking out like a sore thumb (such as during his time in Crossbell). However, he scraps any social convention and does fully whatever pleases him, like an epicurean. This unapologetic enjoying life to the fullest even if it comes to a cost down the road (such as not completing assigned work), is in complete contrast to Kloe's rigidity and obedience to rules and responsibility during her time at Jenis. Her time with him is spent trying to rope him back to work; his time with her is spent convincing her to take it easy and relax because she was so tightly wound during their time together at Jenis. And he eventually persuades her to start relaxing.


Alicia von Auslese[]

Kloe is the granddaughter of the current queen of Grancel. Their relationship is doting, as Alicia stays close to support her and her friends as her only biological guardian.

Dunan von Auslese[]

Kloe is Dunan's neice. She is aware of her uncle's many downfalls, but does her best to tolerate them.

Mr. and Mrs. von Auslese[]

Kloe's father and mother were killed traveling the world during the 100 Days War.


Mercia Orphanage[]

Matron Theresa and her husband took care of Kloe during and following the Hundred Days War. Under their care, Kloe discovered what a family is like. They become an adopted family. After the death of Theresa's husband, Kloe visits the orphans during her free time and becomes their part-time caretaker.

Special Support Section[]


Phantom Thief B[]

During Kloe's and Estelle's mission to explore Jenis' abandoned school house, their group encounters Phantom Thief B. For all his eccentricities, Bleublanc loves all things beautiful, including women. This makes him single out Kloe in the group. Olivier Lenheim steps in to simultaneously become Kloe's protector, and also as Bleublanc's official rival in love and beauty.
