Isabelle (イザベル Isaberu) is the princess of Another World in The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean. After deciding to move the Otherworldly Moon to Tirasweel, she traveled through a portal on Witch’s Island to Phlothia and became the country’s queen in The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch.
Isabelle was born in Another World in AW 954 around the same time as Gueld, as they are both selected candidates to become the next Queen. Isabelle is ultimately chosen as the successor and due to Merveel's tradition of putting any rival candidates to death, the young Gueld was taken away by Leone Fredrik Richter to the Neverdawn Land for her protection.
Though Isabelle is a little girl when encountered by Forte and company, she ultimately grows up to become the main antagonist of Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch, conspiring alongside her astrologist Revas to create despair in Tirasweel to lure the Otherworldly Moon from Another World to Tirasweel in hopes of saving Another World's inhabitants from the inevitable explosion of the Moon.
20 years before Moonlight Witch, she washed ashore in Pholthia. Meeting its king, Rudolf, he was smitten with Isabelle and married her. Having obtained a position of power, she convinced her husband to take on her astrologist Revas as the Royal Astrologist. Following close behind the two, however, was Gueld, determined to save the people of Tirasweel from the destruction Isabelle would subject them to. Knowing the threat Gueld posed to their plans, Revas sought out Gueld and murdered her (whether Isabelle approved of this is unknown). Isabelle and Revas then spent the next 20 years preparing to summon the Otherworldly Moon (known in myth as the Wave of Raual) into Tirasweel.
She is ultimately confronted and killed by Jurio and company just as she summons the Wave, believing that it is too late to stop the destruction. Though ironically, the soul of Gueld would go on to do what she couldn't, and save both worlds.
- She is voiced by Emi Shinohara in the Drama CD.