The Imperial Army of Erebonia (帝国正規軍 Teikoku Seikigun) is the Erebonian Empire's official army in the Kiseki universe. It is six-times greater that Liberl Kingdom's Royal Army.
Most of the weaponry they own are Reinford Group manufacture-made.
Military Organization[]
Main Forces[]
- Known Divisions (20 in total)
- 1st Armored Division (stationed at Heimdallr)
- 3rd Armored Division (stationed at Zender Gate)
- 4th Armored Division
- 5th Armored Division (stationed at Garrelia Fortress)
- 7th Armored Division
- 9th Armored Division
- 10th Armored Division
- 11th Armored Division
- Military Airfleets
- Railway Military Police: The elite military police force organization serving directly under Giliath Osbourne.
- Intelligence Division: The Empire's secret intelligence agency.
- Imperial Gendarmerie: The Empire maintenance of security.
Bases of Operations[]
- Garrelia Fortress, Located on the Empire's easter border
- Zender Gate
- Heimdallr: The Imperial capital.
Notable Soldiers[]
- Lieutenant General Zechs Vander (3rd Armored Division)
- Lieutenant General Olaf Craig (4th Armored Division)
- Major Neithardt (4th Armored Division)
- Lieutenant General Walter (5th Armored Division)
- Major Mueller Vander (7th Armored Division)
- Captain Lechter Arundel (Intelligence Bureau)
- Captain Claire Rieveldt (Railway Military Police)