- 「ふふっ、うちのデュバリィがお世話になったみたいね?」
Fufu, Seems like thy took great care of our little Duvalie, right? - —Ennia's intro quote, Trails od Cold Steel III
Ennia the Demon Bow (魔弓のエンネア Makyuu no Ennia) is a valkyrie of the Stahlritter, Arianrhod's calvary of knights introduced in the Zero/Ao no Kiseki duology.
A beautiful female with long blue hair that hangs down to her hip while wearing the knight uniform code of medieval armor.
Like the other valkyries, Ennia's loyalty is devoted only to her master, but usually a bit teasing towards Duvalie's fanaticism despite their common faith .
Character Profile[]
Ennia the Demon Bowis a voluptuous valkyrie who masters in archery and supports the calvary alongside Ines. Prior to her nickname, she is the Stahlritter’s ace sniper due to her “Demon Bow” ability which always marks the target, while freely changing the shot's projection course in mid-air.