
Emily (エミリー Emirii) is a commoner student of the prestigious Thors Military Academy introduced in the Trails of Cold Steel trilogy.



Known to be a passionate girl, who enjoys a good game of lacrosse with her club members. But she's also a girl of action, the gutsy type to not stand down; especially when it involves helping her Best Friend: Theresa out. She's someone that looks out for others, and plenty feel glad to have her around.

Character Profile:[]

Student File: Year 2, Class IV

Club: Lacrosse Club

Student Info: The passionate captain of the Lacrosse Club, known as the Blazing Maiden. Best friends with Theresia.

*Vow: Finishing her information gathering work with Nicholas, she boards the Courageous in order to see Theresia again. CS II

*Sportswoman: Even away from Thors, she always keeps her lacrosse uniform with her, and sometimes even wears it. CS II



  1. Mentioned by her mother Camille, in Trails of Cold Steel III, Chapter 4 - Radiant Heindallr