History of the Lions War foretold in class peroiod
The War of the Lions Begins (獅子戦役・勃発 Shishi Sen'eki Boppatsu) is the third volume of the Black Records in Trails of Cold Steel 2.
It can be obtained in Bareahard's Underground Waterway, December 9th, at the same spot "after" defeting the Abyss Drome.[1]
The text dates back in the Year 947, Septian Calendar.
Page | Original Japanese[2] | Dub Translation |
1 | 七耀歴947年、 皇帝ヴァリウスⅤ世の逝去と同時に 帝国史上最大規模と言われる”内乱”が幕を上げた。 当時、ヴァリウスⅤ世は艶福家として知られ、 しかしそれらの妃たちは、 そして――皇帝逝去から数日後、 |
In the year 947, Emperor Valius V passed away His death herald the beginning of the largest scale civil war in Erebonian history. Valius V was a ruler with a somewhat Within days of Valius V’s death, |
2 | その直後、 第二妃の息子であった第四皇子オルトロスが 武力をもって帝都ヘイムダルを掌握―― 反対派を徹底的に粛正した上で、 それを受け、 ここに5年に渡る血みどろの内乱 |
Following the death of the crown prince, the fourth prince and son of the first of Emperor Valius’ secondary wives, Prince Orthros, seized the capital by force. Once in control, he declared himself the new emperor and began purging all those who dared to oppose him. The coup set off a succession of Backed by the powerful noble families |
3 | ――当初、各陣営の戦力は拮抗していたが、 後の世に≪偽帝≫と呼ばれた オルトロス皇子の陣営は帝都に封印された ”ある存在”の復活に成功する。 かつて魔竜を討ち、 “千の武器を持つ魔人”の |
At first, the princes’ armies were largely equal in terms of strength. It wasn’t until Otrhos, who would later come to be known as the False Emperor, revived the being that had long been sealed under the city that the balance of power shifted. The Testa-Rossa, |
4 | そのまま他の陣営も呑み込むかと思われたが、 同じ頃、末弟たる第六皇子ルキウスの 陣営でも動きがあった。 新たなる”巨いなる騎士”―― その力を持ってルキウス皇子は、 しかし、一度破れたグンナル皇子と |
It seemed inevitable that the armies of the other princes would share the same fate, but it was at this pivotal point that the war took yet another surprising and sudden turn. This unexpected development came in the form Prince Gunnar and Albert ’s armies, |
5 | 超常的な力を手に入れた二陣営と、 最大規模の軍勢を擁する一 陣営による”三つ巴”という戦況への推移―― ≪獅子戦役≫勃発から2年にして |
It was thus that the war became one fought bythree separate groups— Prince Orthros with the Vermillion Knight, Prince Lucius with the Palatinate Knight, and princes Gunnar and Albert who had no knight but compensated with their sheer numbers. The war of the Lions had been raging |
See Also[]
- Valius V
- Manfred Reise Arnor
- Orthros Reise Arnor
- Testa-Rossa
- Vermillion Apocalypse
- Gunnar Reise Arnor
- Lucius Reise Arnor
- Albert Reise Arnor