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Alisa default status sen2

Alisa's character status in Trails of Cold Steel II

This is the gameplay page for Alisa Reinford.


While Alisa has a more than decent ATS stat (being amongst the top 3 of the Arts casters in the Class VII roster), where she truly shines is in the support department. Having access to a good healing craft in Blessed Arrow and a game-changing craft in Heavenly Gift, Alisa is always going to be a solid pick in most if not all party compositions. Heavenly Gift may not shine as much in CS1 given how late in the game you acquire it, but in CS2 where it's unlocked right out of the gate, will prove to be your best tool as it takes evasion-based builds to the next level, allowing them to properly hit the 100% mark as long as Alisa can keep the buff active (which is not hard to do, considering Rean's Impassion that comes with his Master Quartz, or just equipping Alisa with a Gladiator Belt) and therefore making it so you can effectively dodge any and all offensive thrown your way

As stated before, she's more of a quick, fragile spell caster, but this last weakness is easily fixed by her own Master Quartz which is a one time (later on, two) Proxy Puppet which also lets her keep CP upon revival. Her attack isn't bad per se, it's just not worth persuing that route when her supporting capabilities are the best the game has to offer and the Arts casting department suits her that much better


Trails of Cold Steel[]

Name Description CP Cost Acquired
Flamberge Attack - One - Impede - Burn (50%) 20 Default
Blessed Arrow Recovery (Set) - Area (S) - HP Heal (S) - CP+40 40 Level 8
Molten Rain Attack (Set) - Area (L) 35 Level 24
Heavenly Gift Support (Set) - Area (M) - Insight - CP Regen 50 Level 52

S-Craft Description Level
Rosetta Arrow

Attack (Set) - Line (M) - Mute (100%)

Event on June 27
Judgement Arrow Magic Attack (Set) - Line (L) - Mute (100%)

(Class SS+) Annihilates enemies with an arrow of judgement

Event on Sept. 26

Trails of Cold Steel II[]

Name Description CP Cost Acquired


Default 20

Attack - One - Impede - Burn (30%) - Unbalance +20%

Flamberge 2

Level 77 - Default 20

Attack - One - Impede - Burn (60%) - Unbalance +30%

Mirage Arrow

Level 61 - Default 30

Magic Attack (Set) - Line (S) - Blind (50%)

Blessed Arrow

Default 40

Recovery (Set) - Area (S) - HP Heal (30%) - CP +40

Blessed Arrow 2

Level 101 - Default 40

Recovery (Set) - Area (S) - HP Heal (40%) - CP +40

Molten Rain

35 Default

Attack (Set) - Area (L)

Molten Storm

Level 113 - Default 35

Attack (Set) - Area (L) - Seal (50%) - Mute (50%)

Heavenly Gift

Default 50

Support (Set) - Area (M) - Insight - CP +20


Judgement Arrow

Attack - (Set) - Line (L) Mute (100%) (Class SS+)

Radiance Ark

Attack - All - Mute (200%) (Class SSS+)

Reach to level 89


Trails of Cold Steel[]

Name Effect Price Obtained Location
Prima Bow STR+75 RNG+6 N/A Default Weapon
Light Bow
Rapid Bow
Prima Bow+1 STR+190 ATS+10 SPD+5 RNG+6 N/A Chapter 3 Default Weapon
Wind Arc
Prima Bow+2 STR+340 ATS+10 SPD+5 RNG+6 N/A Chapter 5 Default Weapon
Prima Bow+3 STR+415 ATS+10 SPD+5 RNG+6 N/A Chapter 6 Default Weapon
White Bow STR+465 RNG+6 6400 RF Arms
Platinum Bow STR+500 ATS+20 SPD+7 RNG+6 700 Synthesis: White Bow + U-Material x7
Siren's Song STR+540 RNG+6
Golden Archer

Trails of Cold Steel II[]

Name Effect Price Obtained Location